Pradhan Mantri Ujjawala Yojana

Under the “Pradhan Ujjwala Yojana”, the Government aims to provide LPG connections to BPL households in the country.The smoke from burning such fuels causes alarming household pollution and adversely affects the health of Women & children causing several respiratory diseases/ disorders. The scheme is aimed at replacing the unclean cooking fuels mostly used in the rural India with the clean and more efficient LPG.
The smoke from burning such fuels causes alarming household pollution and adversely affects the health of Women & Children causing several respiratory diseases/ disorders. The scheme is aimed at replacing the unclean cooking fuels mostly used in the rural India with the clean and more efficient LPG.
Ministry of GOI concerned :- Ministry of Petroleum
Website :-
Whether implemented in UT of DNH and Daman & Diu (Yes / No)? : Yes
Name of Implementing Department / Agency : Food and Civil Supply Department (Gas Agencies)
Below Poverty Line (BPL) households.
Under the “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana”, the Government aims to provide LPG connections free of course, to BPL households in the country.
How To Apply
1. Under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna free LPG connections are provided by Oil Marketing Companies (OMCS) to the women belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) households.
2. The scheme provides cash assistance to cover the cost of Security Deposit of Cylinder, Pressure regulator, Telephone/Electricity cost of DGCC, Suraksha hose and installation & administrative charges.
3. Information submitted in this KYC form will be verified against authorized list of BPL population available Self-declaration attached with OMCS.
4. On successful verification & confirmation of non-existence of PDS LPG connection at your premises, LPG House registration connection may be released to you subject to applicable terms & conditions.